HR at your service

I am passionate about helping businesses with employee engagement and increasing the organisation’s overall success.

I also offer project work to support you during an interim period, (perhaps your HR manager is out of the office for a while), or a one / two month review. I will come in, get to know you and your team, meet the relevant people and complete a needs assessment.

I can support your business with:

Employee Relations

Focusing on creating and delivering people practices which develop.

Support with onboarding, performance, conflicts and communication.

Helping organisations connect
with their people.


Looking at recruitment practices within the organisation, and managing it for you if selected.

Reviewing salaries, job profiles and possibly reviewing the company branding, from a potential
employee's perspective.

Policies & Contracts

Creating and updating policies, procedures and other HR documentation.

Contracts, employee handbooks and creating standard letter templates.

Training & Development

Assisting with training and looking at any performance concerns.

Perhaps training and development would make a difference to employees, and would result in exciting success across the organisation.

A little TLC.


This is about engagement and the culture within the business. Perhaps involving team surveys, profiling or workshops.

We are here to help, and will offer a free consultation to help you choose the right pathway for you and your team.

People Strategy

Looking at the business goals and objectives, and aligning practice with theory.

Working with you to create a people strategy that sits well within the organisation. A successful business cannot have one strategy without
the other.

Let us help.